They are "uncompromising and strong and will dismantle the white supremacy and patriarchy that infests the punk scene."
Decolonise Fest is a collective of DIY Diaspora Punx that organise an annual festival including music, art & workshops by and for punx of colour. They define Diaspora Punx as people who are descended (through one or both parents) from the original inhabitants of Africa, Caribbean, Asia, Middle East, the Americas, Australasia, and the islands of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean.
This month DIY Diaspora Punx are once again hosting a festival of music, art and discussion centered around the Punk lifestyle. The collective are calling all minority ethnic punks and punk descendent in London to come and celebrate! (whilst dismantling white supremacy of course). In a world where "punk" is consistently associated with white skin and primary coloured hair, Diaspora Punx are challenging definitions and widening the very limited scope of popular culture.
The festival starts off with an exhibition at 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning Center in Brixton, (home to our issue 2 launch party), this exhibition showcases a selection of interdisciplinary artists of colour portraying their punk ethos. Their work is created in a state of hybridity, between their geographical Western location and their ancestral identity.
The party then continues on the 23rd - 24th of June at DIY Space for London. The space will be riddled like minded Punx of colour who have come together to create and celebrate a more inclusive concept of what it means to be "Punk". Be prepared for a weekend of pure, unapologetic, enjoyment.
Bob Vylan CAUSA Fish Police Great Wight GUTTFULL Kapil Seshasayee Ms. Mohammed No Home Secret Power Shocks Of Mighty Stanfield +1 MORE TBA
DAY TICKETS: £12 (including ticket fee) WEEKEND TICKET: £22 (including ticket fee) TICKET LINK: https://tickets.partyforthepeople.org/events/4062-decolonise-fest-2018